There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women
The purpose of this resource book Letting Our Power Glow is to enable and afford shelter residents the
opportunity to grow emotionally and psychologically while simultaneously living in an environment safe
from intimate partner violence so that the shelter residents are able to plan and prepare themselves for
their lives after the shelter experience.
The exercises in the manual are also aimed at inspiring women to develop a greater understanding of
themselves through introspection and thereby creating a more profound process of change.
The rationale for this resource manual developed when the National Shelter Movement (NSM) executives
were visiting shelters for abused women in various provinces. We realised that in several shelters
women were not fully occupied during their residence/stay at shelters and were also not presented with
opportunities to heal and find closure. Ultimately the experience of sheltering needs to provide holistic
healing and preparation for their lives ahead.
The conceptualisation and planning for the resource book began in 2017. It was initially envisaged that
all nine provinces would be included but due to funding constraints we had to limit it to four provinces,
namely KwaZulu Natal, the Eastern Cape, Northern Cape and Mpumalanga.
The process of the manual development included hiring a consultant who prepared the first draft.
Following this, members of the NSM were invited to review the manual and make their input, after which
a session was held with women at a shelter to test out the manual. Thereafter facilitators were trained in
all shelters in the four provinces.
We would like to thank all the shelter representatives in different provinces for availing themselves for
the training. We would also like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the National Department of Social
Development for availing the funding to the NSM. We also thank Shamim Meer for her consistent
commitment in assisting us to further the empowerment of women whose lives have been affected by
intimate partner violence.
Zubeda Dangor, Joy Lange & Fisani Mahlangu
Executives: National Shelter Movement of South Africa (NSM)